Eudialite -Β can enhance your psychic abilities, especially clairaudience. Eudialite is a healer of the heart; it can be used to extract old wounds and remove heaviness from the heart chakra. Eudialite opens all chakras and facilitates the movement of Kundalini...
Euclase -Β is a stone of inner clarity and inner strength; it enhances integrity and shines a light upon all that is out of alignment with your true way of being. It protects you from dishonest claims of others and helps...
Emerald -Β is a stone of inspiration and infinite patience. It brings domestic bliss, loyalty in love and promotes friendship. The emerald can be used to open, activate and stimulate the heart chakra, and helps to quiet your emotions; it is...
Elephant Hair
Elephant Hair -Β symbolize protectionΒ  a nature which represent spirits and forces. In Africa, these exceptional bracelets are known existing from over 1500 years ago. Elephants symbolize power and strength for their enormous energy, as well as symbol of beauty and...
Elestial Quartz
Elestial Quartz-Β rapidly expands your spiritual evolution stabilizing energy shifts. Opens door ways to inter dimensions, a powerful catalyst, the crystal provides equilibrium during rapid changes attuning you in each moment. The finest transmitter of negative energy Smokey Elestial grounds grids...
Egg Shape
Egg shape - Crystal eggsΒ are symbolic ofΒ  love, creativity, abundance and happiness to families. The egg can be used toΒ  shield and strengthenΒ your aura, and supports you in new beginnings.
Ebony -Β is a type of wood. Ebony wood is protective and so is used in makingΒ amulets. Historically, this wood was used in the handles of Samurai swords. This wood would be especially useful in the seeking of spiritual knowledge and...
Eye Agate
Eye Agate - are eye-like patterns carved of natural Agate. They are used as charms against the evil eyes, envy, and protection from unwelcome spirits. This stone is a useful receptacle for dense energy and toxicity, excellent for gridding around...