Garden Quartz

Garden Quartz - is a gorgeous stone of included quartz (Lodolite). The stone stimulates the creative mind, sharpens your awareness of your Destiny & life path, and encourages your inner dreamer. Garden Quartz is the stone of fairy tale dreams as it often inspires you to pursue your heart's desires and find greater happiness in your life. The gemstone is perfect to work with if you feel you need a change in your life, if you need to find a new direction, and if you want to embark on a new quest in your love life, personal life, or career. Garden Quartz attracts positive energy and filters density away from you through its natural inclusions. This is a highly resonating gemstone as it vibrates within the Crown Chakra strongest and downward. If you want a stone that enlightens you mind, body and spirit you will find this is the perfect stimulation to encourage your fairy tale dreams.