Moonstone Rainbow
Moonstone Rainbow - As the moon cycles connect us to nature, the moonstone also reminds us that our lives also ebb and flow. Moonstone cultivates compassion and empathy. The serene and tranquil energy of the moonstone also invites creativity and...
Moonstone Gray
Moonstone Gray -Β draws love, interpersonal relationships and healing for women. It’s a stone useful to the clairvoyant and shaman, and in moving into unseen realms. It is called the "New Moon Stone" and carries the mysteries and powers of the...
Muscovite -Β stimulates and balances the third eye and crown chakras and is an excellentΒ crystalΒ for stimulating the intellect.Β MuscoviteΒ is useful for people who are open to psychic energies, stimulate confidence and ease tension.
Moss Agate
Moss Agate - leads you toward the characteristics of agreeability, persuasiveness, strength in all endeavors, and efficiency in all pursuits. It helps you to improve your ego and self-esteem, providing for emotional balancing and strengthening of your positive personality traits.
Mookaite -Β is an Australian Jasper with earthy autumn colors of red and yellow. It’s a strong and invigorating stone, increases life force within the physical body and carries a vital energy. Mookaite is an Aboriginal Mother Earth stone; it is...
Mica - is a mystical stone with a strong angelic connection; it stimulates awareness of the higher self, moves your heart chakra and opens your intuition. It creates loving energy and gentle acceptance of β€œwhat is.” It’s a reflective stone,...
Marcasite - is silver metallic that unblocks barriers to your spiritual development; it deepens your meditation and provides prosperity to your spirit.Β  Marcasite enhances intelligence, aids your memory and increases your energy levels. It stimulates your senses, softens your expression...
Mangano Calcite
Mangano Calcite -Β is a heart crystal in contact with the angelic realm. A stone of forgiveness, it releases fear and grief that keep the heart trapped in the past, bringing in unconditional love. It aids self-worth and self-acceptanceΒ  and lifts...
MorganiteΒ (Beryl) - is an activator, cleanser and stimulator for the heart chakra; it helps you to bring love into your life and assists you in maintaining that love as it continues to grow and maintains it, It stimulates creativity in...
Meteorite -Β is a rare treasure that traveled 4 million years through outer space before landing on earth. Meteorite is an embodiment of strength and supreme power; it enhances your potential and overall energies. Meteorite is a powerful medium for praying...
Malachite -Β is a β€œstone of transformation”, assisting you in changing situations; it clarifies emotions, which leads to spiritual evolution. Malachite helps you in the recognition and release of negative experiences. Malachite also represents fidelity in love and friendship.
Mala -Β is used for counting mantras, chants or prayers. Each time the mantra is repeated, the fingers move to the next bead. Usually there are 108 beads or a fraction of 108.
Moldavite -Β has extraterrestrial origins; it is formed when a giant meteorite struck the earth in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. Moldavite has been used since the Stone Age as an amulet for good fortune, spiritual...