Opal Peru Pink - is a “stone for renewal”, renewing the sacred relationship between yourself and all that is. It helps to guide you in the journey of your life; it promotes permanence in the connec...
Read moreOpal Peru Green - is a greenish-blue Opal from Peru; it is great for stimulating your thoughts and communication skills. You can use Opal Peru on the fifth chakra to voice your opinions in a clear...
Read moreOpal Boulder - (Australia) assists you in communication with spirit guides, angels, animal guides and deities. Boulder Opal clears your blocked chakras; it strengthens and adds light into your aur...
Read moreOpal Ethyopia - helps you to recognize and to feel your creativity; it provides you with inspiration and imagination to all situations. It strengthens your memory, instills faithfulness and loyalty...
Read moreOm Mani Padme Om - is an ancient Sanskrit Mantra, a powerful and blissful sacred prayer repeated for infinite time also by the Tibetan Monks. Mantras are considered capable of creating transformat...
Read moreObsidian Rainbow - brings light and love into your life, allowing you to recognize the spiritual side of your nature. Rainbow obsidian is a “stone of pleasure”, bringing gratitude and joy; it is es...
Read moreObsidian Blue - is an excellent stone for stimulating your throat chakra, to enhance all kinds of communication skills, and in the comprehension of new languages. Blue Obsidian enhances telepathy.
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